Lost & Misrepresented Voices of Afghanistan Chapter 1 Page 11

Erickson most poignantly raises some key points as he reiterates that the authors of the Atlantic certainly are in a ‘liminal’ space that does not belong to anyone therefore giving them the freedom to voice the issues raised by the authors I’ve selected for my book. Erickson’s point about power which I explore further in this book as it is a prevalent recurrent theme throughout all the novels I’ve chosen. Kunz states in The Paradox of Power and Weakness that is it important to identify who “the most important knowledge is of and how the powerful wild their power” (Kunz, 1998, p.62). Power is predominantly a key theme throughout all the novels I’ve selected for this book, but The Kite Runner denotes how the use of power has been used by others for their own gains and political agenda no