Lost & Misrepresented Voices of Afghanistan Chapter 4 Page 15

and drive her away. (Busfield, 2009, pp. 158−9)

The severity of the trauma that Fawad witnesses is clearly something which would haunt anyone let alone a small child. Fawad’s character is clearly disturbed by the brutal and harsh reality of the impact of war and the Taliban’s assignation and victimisation on his neighbourhood and his family. Busfield allows Fawad a voice to reiterate the trauma he witnesses as a young child. His innocent yet detailed account of his family being torn apart allows us as an audience to feel a great sense of loss and pain for Fawad and his family. Fawad’s pain of losing the main structure of his family is heart−breaking but very sincere to witness, one can certainly feel for his plight within Afghanistan. The Taliban are shown to have no human qualities