Lost & Misrepresented Voices of Afghanistan Chapter 1 Page 16

case she was writing from a rather ‘liminal’ space where other authors had not had the opportunity let alone experience to encounter. It is rather saddening that she then faced a situation where her own voice was being silences once the novel had been published. Seierstad was placed in a not so dissimilar position to that of Salmon Rushdie as her novel encountered a rather dramatical twist as she was faced with the dehumanizing act of being silenced by society for voicing what she believed to be a true account of the Afghan people. In Pipes’ text The Rushdie Affair. The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West Pipes stated that Rushdie faced extreme criticism of his novel due to what Pipes states is “some unusual notions about the nature of fiction”. (Pipes, 2003, p.110). Obviously Seierstad did not face the